
TOTAL VESSELS  336 VESSELS BY ENSIGN Total Fleet Length in Feet    15,513 ‘ Average Vessel Length in FEET    46.44 ‘ VESSELS BY MANUFACTURER VESSELS PART OF FLEET TRACKING   39.34 % TOTAL LONGLINE REPORTS  75 VESSELS BY LENGTH LENGTH # VESSELS %  <30 ‘ 1 0.30%  30-35 ‘ 12 3.58%  36-39′ 47 14.03%  40-44  ‘ 101 30.15%  45-50 ‘ 87 25.97%  50-54  ‘ 35 10.45%  55-59 ‘ 21 6.27%  60-64 ‘ 17 5.07%  65 – 69 ‘ 5 1.49%  70-74 ‘ 5 1.49%  80+ ‘ 4 1.19%

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