AHOY & welcome:   join friendly yacht owners !

You are about to sign up for a big adventure with certain risks. You and all your crew are hereby signing complete waivers of liability and are responsible for your own vessel, crew decisions and destiny. Read and agree with the Terms of Service prior to signing up. For reasons on why to join follow this link >>  For benefits including money savings follow this link >>
We operate under international maritime law. Your Vessel – Your Crew – Your Responsibility ! If you have DIFFICULTIES filling out the form please send an email >>> To RENEW follow this link >>  

2023-2024 SEASON 7  (NOW – Jun ’24)  REGISTRATION FEE  $ 349

↓  SIGN UP HERE  ↓  

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---- select your routes or pods definitions on the bottom of / vessels ----
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REVIEW our Terms of Service

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Warm regards,

The Panama Posse


Panama Posse


This content is restricted to Panama Posse active participants. If you are a current Panama Posse participants, please log in. New participants please register below.

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New User Registration
---- select your routes or pods definitions on the bottom of / vessels ----
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