Fleet Update 2019 – 01 – 01

1) Puerto Pedregral, Panama We entered Panama in Puerto Pedregal. We crossed the bar at high tide Friday morning 28-Dec at Boca de San Pedro. Using the Navionics charts in my e95 Raymarine, we slowly maneuvered the winding river for almost 2 hours. Not something that I enjoyed. When we located the Port Captain, he was very helpful. But without someone who speaks more than passable Spanish, I would be here for another 5 days. First and foremost he indicated we did not notify him of our arrival 48 hours in advance, we can be fined $1,000 each. But he would not do that to us this time. He gave us his email to send that information retroactively, so he would have it in case someone else asked him for it (hmm). moises.rios@amp.gob.pa The customs office is one block away, the agent there was in the US for many years. He doesn’t have much to do there, so he was very helpful and talkative. We needed to get a Sim card, and he drove us to the Mercado. Immigration came (probably from the airport in David) and his process was extremely easy, he meet us in the Customs office. Also the Health department meet us there. It was just myself and Geri, my Spanish speaking crew member. All of this great service was because of the Port Captain making some phone calls. We showed up in the morning and wanted to leave by high tide that night. He did rollRead more

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