Be Patient be kind The Port captains office and Immigration office are close together opposite the main ferry terminal. Both speak some English but we found the port captains office totally unhelpful and monosyllabic while immigration were cheerful and helpful. There is a small dinghy dock across from Port captain, 1st one south of ferry dock. The procedure is as follows :- prices in Peso, Mx, at about 20 to US dollar. At every stage, all your photocopies will be stamped by each department. Boats registered under a family trust will not be accepted even if your name is on the trust. All vessels must be owned by a person or company only. If the vessel is registered under a company, you will need to present a letter of authorization on company letterhead granting permission to take the boat to Mexico. You will need to have the boat and the following paperwork with you. You need to have the original AND a 2-3 copies of each of these items as you will be asked to turn in the copies in order to get your permit. Most marinas also require on-the-water boat liability insurance, Passport or Passport Card FMM, temporary resident or permanent resident visa Boat registration or title Motor serial number If there is a lienholder on the boat, you will need to have a letter from the lienholder granting permission to take the vessel to Mexico The fee for the temporary import permit varies slightly from day to day but isRead more

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