Tikal at Sunrise

Tikal is the ruin of an ancient city which is located submerged in the northern rainforests in the = Petén Basin in Guatemala. It is one of the largest archeological sites and urban centers of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Tikal was the capital of a conquest state that became one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya. monumental Architecture at the site dates back as far as the 400 BC, Tikal’s. Between 00 to 900 the city dominated much of the Maya region politically, economically, and militaril and traded throughout Mesoamerica as far north as Teotihuacan in current day Mexico.

Tikal Park Map


6.2 sq mi of this city has been mapped.

Map of ancient TIKAL

The topography of the site consists of a series of parallel limestone ridges rising above swampy lowlands. The major architecture of the site is clustered upon areas of higher ground and linked by raised causeways spanning the swamps.

Lidar has been used to analyze the entire area

Several Structures are underneath


The city itself was located among abundant fertile upland soils, and may have dominated a natural east–west trade route across the Yucatan Peninsula. Conspicuous trees at the Tikal park include gigantic kapok the sacred tree of the Maya; tropical cedar , and Honduras mahogany.

Tikal was abandoned by the 10th century.

lintel Tikal

Tikal Temple I is the designation given to one of the major structures at Tikal

Tikal's Tempels

The closest large modern settlements are Flores and Santa Elena 40 mi by road to the southwest. Tikal is 303 kilometers ~ 190 mi north of Guatemala City.

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